There’s no place like home!

Our goal is to provide maximum comfort for horses, attending to their needs and striving to maintain their natural habits, such as roaming freely. Each horse is provided with a box equipped with shavings or straw, a fixed feed trough, an automatic waterer and an individual paddock.


Fodder: Ray-grass
Jané feed
24-hour semi-freedom
Box cleaned 4 days a week
Sawdust in box



Fodder: Ray-grass
Jané feed
Extra ration of feed at midday (if necessary for the horse/pony)
Vitamin supply
Blanket service
Day paddock
Hay in paddock
Daily cleaning of box
Straw in box



Fodder: hay
Premium range feed
Extra ration of feed at midday (if necessary for the horse/pony)
Vitamin supply
Blanket service
Day paddock
Ray-grass in paddock
Daily cleaning of box
Straw in box.